C3DtoMAT: from C3D to MATLAB format

This step retrieves data from the C3D input files and store them in organized MATLAB structures (.mat files). This avoid to have continuous accesses to C3D files, which are computationally expensive and redundant. Any setup or configuration file is required in this step.

C3D2MAT only requires to specify the input file path. If not already available, it generates corresponding folders for the elaborated data (Folders: organize your work, MyData\ElaboratedData\subjectXXX\Year-Month-Day\) and then converts all the data in mat format and stored them in the sessionData folder (MyData\ElaboratedData\subjectXXX\Year-Month-Day\sessionData\). For each trial (i.e., C3D file in the input folder), a new subfolder is created with Markers (Markers.mat), Force Platform Data (FPdata.mat) and all data stored in the analog channels (AnalogData.mat). When C3D files include events, they are converted and stored as well (Events.mat).

You can add events to your C3D files using Mokka, a freely available software for biomechanical data analysis (http://b-tk.googlecode.com/svn/web/mokka/index.html), which supports many different file formats and allows to write on C3D files with a very user-friendly interface.

Information common to all the trials of the session are saved in the sessionData folder. This includes markers labels of dynamic trials (dMLabels.mat), analog data labels (AnalogDataLabels.mat), force platform information (ForcePlatformInfo.mat), rates (Rates.mat), and the trials list (trialsName.mat). If any inconsistency is found, it is pointed out in the MATLAB Command Window.

Two implementations for C3D2MAT are available, one using C3Dserver software and one exploiting BTK. They return the same results, but are based on two different tools to access C3D files. You can choose among the two alternatives according to your system requirements (refer to Installation).

How to run the program

  1. Set MATLAB path on src\C3D2MAT_btk (or C3D2MAT_c3dserver) folder
  2. Run C3D2MAT.m
  3. Select your C3D input data folder

Output: data from C3D files in the specified data folder are converted and saved in mat format.

Please pay ATTENTION to the following IMPORTANT NOTES:


  • Input files folder MUST be inside a folder named InputData (Folders: organize your work).
  • The execution of C3D2MAT does not overwrite information common to the acquisition session, i.e. that must be the same for all trials collected during an acquisition, as trialsName.mat, Rates.mat, dMLabels, AnalogDataLabels.mat, ForcePlatformsInfo.mat. Please, keep in mind to cancel the sessionData folder before running again the program if you add trials or modify your data set.
  • Different events MUST have different name (Analysis Window Definition, WindowFromC3D).
  • Events for foot strike and foot off must identify frames with non-zero force values (Analysis Window Definition, StanceOnFPfromC3D).
  • If you are using C3D2MAT_c3dserver, remember to install C3Dserver software (Installation) and that it works only on MATLAB 32 bit.
  • If you are using C3D2MAT_btk, remember to download the correct BTK version for your system and to add it to the path of MATLAB. Type the command help btk in the MATLAB command window to verify that BTK is loaded in MATLAB (Installation).
  • Data gathered using FP of type 4 are stored in the C3D files in \(V\) (http://www.c3d.org/pdf/c3dformat_ug.pdf). C3D2MAT retrieves and directly converts force data in \(N\) and \(N \cdot mm\) or \(N \cdot m\) (according to the used distance unit). Be aware that the scale of results saved in FPdata.mat does not match with the one you see in the input C3D files.
  • C3D files storing data gathered with FPs of type 4 must include information about the corresponding FP calibration matrix. This is required to convert force data from \(V\) to \(N\) and \(N \cdot mm\) or \(N \cdot m\).